Free Anime-Inspired Workout Plans

One Punch Physique Plan

Saitama’s physique is much easier to obtain than you would think.

“100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, and a 10 km Run Daily” routine is iconic but not necessarily optimized for real-world fitness or health.

I’ve created a more structured and balanced program designed to build strength, endurance, and a lean, defined physique, similar to Saitama.

Solo Leveling class s hunter plan

A Solo Leveling-inspired workout plan will focus on building a physique similar to Sung Jin-Woo: lean, muscular, and athletic with a balance of strength, agility, and endurance. The training will emphasize functional movements, explosive power, and a combat-ready core to embody his Hunter-like qualities.

Baki - Martial artist - physique plan

Baki’s training style is intense, mixing bodyweight exercises, explosive movements, martial arts drills, and raw strength work. This 5-day split prioritizes full-body functionality, core strength, grip, agility, and powerful conditioning—all hallmarks of Baki Hanma’s physique.

This is an advanced program. Perfect for those who also train in martial art.

Toji Fushiguro assassin physique plan

Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen is the epitome of a functional, lean, and muscular warrior. His physique reflects a balance of raw strength, agility, and combat readiness. This Toji-inspired workout plan focuses on building a strong, defined body with explosive power, functional strength, and endurance—perfect for a combat-ready aesthetic.

This is an advanced plan, similar to the Baki plan but with more volume and challenging exercises.

Bleach inspired workout Plan

For those on the solo journey.

Simple, yet effective workout programs with the sole intention of being done by your average gym-goer to turn you from average to savage.
The journey is long and hard, well worth the time, energy, and dedication.
Your future self will thank you.

Free Anime-Inspired Workout Plans​